Sunday, April 5, 2009

Apple Hunt

Every year we go to Lyman Orchards for the Easter Apple Hunt. We thought there would not be as many people due to the rain the day before... but we were wrong. Even with the large crowd we ended up with more than enough apples to make apple pie, apple crisp, apple muffins and anything else that goes with apples.
Mason did not like the Easter Bunny and I had to take a picture with him in the carriage because he was not going to let the Bunny hold him... we tried.
Arian got 8 prize apples and most of the apples came from her.

Mason didn't know what to think of the ducks. He just said, Quack.

Mason liked getting an apple and holding on to it instead of putting it in the bag.
He did end up with a good amount... thanks to mom.

What a good Big Sister!

1 comment:

Amy Klvana said...

Looks like you had fun, hopefully we'll make it next year. And I'm very surprised to see Mason in a different hat!