Sunday, January 25, 2009

Playing in the Snow

Mason finally got suited up and went out in the snow. It took about a hour to get him and myself ready. Once he got in the snow he loved it. After a half an hour I was ready to go inside and I thought he would be to after he got a face full of snow, but I was wrong. He screamed the entire way inside and while I got him undressed.

He fell over before even getting outside and could not get up.

Not a happy camper!
Once he tasted the snow he could not stop eating it.
Mmmmm...Time to make a snow angel.

Mason's snow angel.
Mason enjoyed the sled but fell off and went face first in the snow.
This was more his speed...

Sunday, January 18, 2009


After having to cancel a play date due to bad weather we were finally able to get some of "the crew" together.
Mason tried all of Henry's toys. He loved playing with the piggy bank.
Mason playing with Jack.
Cole showing off his baseball skills.
The tunnel was a hit!
It took Henry sometime to get used to the tunnel but he ended up going through.
Mason using Henry to get himself up. Henry didn't mind.

Henry's baseball skills.
The newest member of our play group, Jake.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Arian's swim meet

Here are some pictures from Arian's swim meet.

She is the one that is finished in Lane 3

She came in 1st for her heat with a time of 3582 seconds.
Breast stroke

Getting ready to start
Cheering on her team mates

Sunday, January 4, 2009

12/28/08, Time for Uncle Kevin to go back to Florida after his short visit. We can't wait to see him again.

Due to the bad weather earlier in the month Bill's work Christmas party was postponed until the weekend after Christmas. Arian was not thrilled to have her picture taken with Santa... and neither was Mason. Mason just want to get down and eat some more Cheetos!
Mason made a new friend, Colleen. I played softball with Colleen's mother on a summer league and Bill work's with Colleen's grandpa. Small world...Mason wanted Colleen's Cheetos because he could not have a bag of his own. At one time Mason wanted Colleen to feed him and he tried to give her a kiss in return. (Mason looks like he is balding in this pic... must be the lighting)